Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Random Tuesday: Memorial Day Weekend Review! OH and One Other Thing...

In typical Memorial Day fashion, we participated in numerous cookouts. The first being at Michelle and Ronnie's house.

I also go to see my furry, four legged boyfriend, Pullo. I was whispering sweet nothings in his ear

We played a few ruthless games of Spades and once the beer had taken a good hold of us, we progressed into playing Asshole

We also had a pretty kick ass bonfire...due to the massive amounts of rain we have been having it took approximately one gallon of gas, a thing of lighter fluid and some old underwear to get this thing going

(**Edit for Michelle**) This is a picture of Bobby after he exhaustingly beat the fuck out of the fire...with the wrong end of a fire poking utensil. He was out there for a hot minute...it was hilarious!

Speaking of underwear...this lovely pair of boxers came from Italy. It captures the best part of the statue of Michael. No, really, that is totally Michael's junk.

This is a direct result of too much wine...

As a result of the President's rule in the game of Asshole, there were moments when one had to wear the penis boxers on their head...I was assured they were clean.

That was on Sunday...Monday we decided to have a cookout at our place! Ronnie and Michelle brought Pullo over to chase our cats and to once again stun us with his handsomeness

Both cookouts were a nice and relaxing time...so wish I had one more day just to lay in bed...

In the spirit of awesome dogs, I do have something to share...

Remember my post about the fox and all the fun, cool animals I saw at Bobby's friend's house?

Bobby's friend's name is Jordon and she and her husband foster various animals...one of which is a Great Dane named Vader. Vader has Wobbler’s Syndrome and in order to fix this issue, needs a surgery that cost quite a few thousand dollars!

When I met Vader a couple of weeks ago he was the sweetest thing EVER! So handsome with his all black coat and stunning personality!

Fleet Feet Sports, here in Savannah, is putting together a 5K in order to raise money for Vader's surgery.

You can read all about Vader on his website.

If you would like to donate or know someone that can help, that would be AWESOME! As soon as he has his surgery he will be ready to adopt out to a wonderful family!!!
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