Monday, May 18, 2009


I was tagged by MAW to do this here thingy:

What are your current obsessions?

I watch Cops all. the. time. There is no reason behind it. WAIT, no, there is. It is a show that I can totally zone out for a moment on, come right back to, and get right back into the action. Plus, the dumbassery. WOW. (I also like Worlds Scariest Police Videos)

Which item from your wardrobe do you wear the most often?

Besides my pajamas, I would say my holey jeans and any t-shirt.

What’s for dinner?

If it was up to me, we would have Mexican food every night of the week. If we don’t have Mexican food I say spaghetti.

What is your greatest fear at the moment?

Having a panic attack in the middle of something important. i.e. someones wedding

What are you listening to?

Nothing at the moment.

What are your favorite holiday spots?

Ohhhh, Seattle is one of my favorites. I am pretty keen on Boston and Las Vegas too!

What are you reading right now?

I am still trying to get through Marley and Me. The shame is that I started it months ago!!

What is your guilty pleasure?

Sno cones. Ohhh I love those things!

Who or what makes you laugh?

Ellen Degeneres has made me laugh until I cried. Her stand up is crazy funny!

What is your favorite Spring thing to do?

Start going to the beach! If ever a time you can’t find me at my house, 9 out of 10 times you can find me on the sand!

Where are you planning to travel next?

New Orleans! Working on our August trip! (Hi Momma Dawg!)

What is the best thing you ate or drank lately?

The last burrito and enchilada I had at Carlito's was off the chain!

When was the last time you were tipsy?

Last night!

What is your favorite ever film?

The Princess Bride (MAW! You have good taste!) I actually watched it just this weekend. I can quote the ENTIRE movie.

What is the biggest life lesson you’ve learned from your kids?

I don’t have any kids and I count that as a lesson in and of itself. I don’t know too many people my age who didn’t have kids REALLY early.

What book do you know you should read but refuse to?

There has never been a book I SHOULD read but REFUSE to, but many I have TRIED to read, but just couldn’t get into it.

What is your physical abnormity/abnormal physical ability?

I would say my knee. It has been surgerized so many times it has a nasty indention/dent thing in it. From what I understand it is where they had to take some muscle out or something. It just looks weird, but I enjoy freaking people out with it. I can hold a quarter in it!

***Edited for Miss Sassy herself...she challenged, I take challenge: (Gawd my knee looks hideous...I swear I wasn't born that way! The two knobs on the bottom of my knee are the two screws that are attempting to escape. So far I have avoided another surgery, but the day is imminent)

And my pinky finger on my right hand. 

I split the knuckle in half when I was a kid and my parents thought I had just jammed my finger. It was already healed by the time they took me to the doctor. I use it to make them feel guilty.

What is your favorite color?


Can the people outside your car hear the music playing inside your car?

Hells to the yeah! Except I am kind and I turn it down when I am stopped at a red light or something. I have had way too many times when I was trying to listen to my music, but the guy behind me or in front of me was boom’in away so loud that I couldn’t even hear my music. If I wanted to hear your music, I would be in your car. But I do have me some good boom boom in my trunk.

My addition: In a perfect world, how many hours sleep would you get per night?

12. I LOVE to sleep! I slept pretty much the entire weekend. Saturday I slept till 12:00pm, got up, started watching TV, took at nap from 4:00pm to 6:00pm and then went back to bed at 12:00am and slept till 10:30am the next morning. Ohhh it was lovely. AND I didn’t even go out this weekend!!

I pass this on to Larkin, Mitzy, and Tina!

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