Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday Myth Busting

1. Going outside with your hair wet or without a jacket will cause you to catch a cold.

You get sick from germs, not the elements. A cold is caused by the rhinovirus. In actuality, cold weather makes people stay indoors which actually INCREASES person-to-person transmission of the common cold. (Source)

2. Can Vitamin C Cure Colds?

Oranges, grapefruits and other vitamin C-loaded foods have many health benefits. But study after study has shown that the vitamin does little—if anything—to cure, prevent or even shorten the duration of the common cold. (Source)

3. The flu vaccine causes you to get the flu/get sick.

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention are emphatic that you cannot get the flu from a flu shot. The vaccine is made from killed or “inactivated” viruses, which can’t be transmitted. However, you may experience a few side effects which mimic the disease such as aches and a low-grade fever. (Other source)
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