Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday! Whew!

Remember yesterday's post? If not, go read, and the videos are HERE!!!

I believe I mentioned yesterday that Bobby was sick...understatement of the YEAR!

I was called to get him from the doctor's office at lunch time, so I swing by there to pick him up. His blood culture showed that his red blood cell count was high, indicating an infection somewhere. The Dr. gave him an antibiotic and some phenergan to help with his barfing. The doctor thinks it could be his pancreas or his appendix, but asks that he come back tomorrow for her to see how it is doing then.

We finish filling the scripts and got him some soup and jello to eat and then get a call back from the Dr.'s office. The Dr. has now decided it is best if he go for CT scan. We head BACK to that side of town to go the the imaging place. Bobz had to drink some nasty shit before they could do the scan. He said it was like drinking cold lotion. Gross. So that stuff had to get down to his intestines, so we had to wait an hour or so for that. Then he gets his scan.

It is a small-bowel obstruction. They tell us at the scan place that we need to now go BACK to the Dr's office so that he can do the paperwork to be admitted to the hospital. This takes another hour and a half.

We then drive BACK to the OTHER side of town and check into the hospital. (Mind you, stopping three times for immediate bathroom needs...poor Bobby)

Check him in, the pre-check in thing takes like three hours, Bobby got stuck no less than five times. They had to take blood cultures and such. the Dr. comes in and pushes all on his tummy and decides that he isn't sure what is going on, as he feels like it is still his appendix, but the scan failed to show that.

He finally get's a room around 7:00pm and is thoroughly tired from the day's events. He had been up since 12:00am puking his brains out, no food for over 24 hours and no sleep either.

We left him about 9:00 last night. This morning he says he is feeling much better and they are going to let him eat something. If he can keep it down then they feel that the obstruction may have worked itself out. They have also taken an x-ray this morning and the doctor should be in soon to tell him what that showed.

His x-ray should look pretty cool with his nipple rings! :)
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