Thursday, May 21, 2009


I just received the following e-mail from my father:

Jacob just called and said he was informed he has completed his required courses and will graduate. Guess that keeps you guys from having to send flowers for his funeral. - Dad

Me to Dad: Whew, that is great news! I was torn between the day lilies and the gardenias.

Dad to Me: And I was torn between dragging him behind the car or just running over him. I will let him celebrate all the way until Saturday when I will have the "so what are you going to do now" speech.  My guess is he will be wearing an AF or Coast Guard uniform soon.


SO! That is great news! The youngest is going to graduate, FINALLY! Especially after his genius idea to drop out of school earlier this year, which can be read about here and the latest Jacob drama here.

Naturally, in my family's true fashion, I was not informed that he would be graduating tomorrow until about TEN MINUTES AGO...which does not allow me 1) enough time to ask off work (I would have to leave at 2:00 tomorrow to make it there in time) and 2) to save up money for gas

So the boy will have to graduate with out his sister or brother present. Brother Joe is underway somewhere down close to South America.

Still, a big HOORAYYYYYYY for Jake FINALLY doing it!!! Congrats little bro! Now go get a job!
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