Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Collective Soul...You Know You Wanna!

OK ya lil shits, listen up…it is time for me to talk about something serious for once. 

HA! Gotcha! Not really, but it is time for me to plug my most favorite band of all time for some selfish reasons. I want some free shit, holmes!

SO, my Collective Soul obsession began waaaayyyy back in 1994. I was a mere (not mare) 12 years old when I heard Shine for the first time. Being only 12 and with no reliable source of income, I had to beg the p‘rents to buy me CD’s. My first Collective Soul CD was the self titled album, you know, the pretty blue one.

I begged and borrowed Collective Soul CD’s until I was able to go out and make my collection complete. Of course now I have EVERY. SINGLE. ALBUM. EVER.

I have also seen them in concert six times. I have two favorites. 

The first favorite place was in Hilton Head, South Carolina at a small club called Monkey Business. It has since changed names, but I digress. The show in Hilton Head was up close and personal. The guys walked right through the crowd to get on the stage. At the time, I was fortunate enough to have known the DJ, so I was able to watch the entire show from the DJ booth. Ah-maze-ing.

My second favorite show was in Macon, Georgia. At the time of the concert I lived approximately 4.2 minutes from the venue. I was ecstatic to see them in my hometown!!

Other venues I have witnessed the glory of Collective Soul:

Music Midtown – Atlanta, Georgia (miss the Music Midtown SO MUCH)
Cullowhee Arts Festival - Cullowee, North Carolina
FunFest – Kingsport, Tennessee
Booth Amphiteatre – Cary, North Carolina

All of this is to say that at some point in your lifetime, preferably tomorrow, either go see yourself a Collective Soul concert or grab a CD (or 5). Take a listen and try not to freak out when you inadvertently start playing air guitar. It is a common side effect.

Collective Soul’s new album drops this Summer!! JUST YOU WAIT!!

And to even take the obsession a step further, I am getting a variation of this Collective Soul piece…

...which will cover my entire back…it is in the works as you read.

AND I would also like to give a shout out to my fellow Collective Souldiers at this AWESOME fan site. I would like to point out that I was one of the first members. (Thanks Mick for contacting me!!)

For more information on this kick ass band check them out on Twitter (don’t act like you don’t Twitter, you KNOW you are following Demi)

For CS’s blog.

And for all tour dates (coming to a town near YOU!) check ‘em out here.
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