Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hold On, Kate! HOLD ON!

Back in the day, I did a post on Kate Gosselin's hair. This was like in early 2008. I am still "suffering" for it. I say "suffering" because when I go and look at my site meter, it makes me a little sad. I have had 44,392 visitors (WOW!), except a majority of them are looking for shit on Kate Gosselin. ESPECIALLY these days. My average Kate Gosselin hit was numbered anywhere between 50 - 150 hits a day. The Kate Gosselin meter is OVER 430 hits as of yesterday!

And having typed Kate Gosselin four time in that last paragraph will NO DOUBT get me even more hits. This is not what I want. Yes, of course I am getting Dooce numbers up in this bitch, but how much fun would it be if people actually came to read ME?!? FUN is what.

SO this past weekend I saw some madly awesome, cute animals. Since Bobby works in a pet store, and as a manager there, he gets to meet really cool people with really cool animals!

Bayah, Bobby's hairless rat, needed a female friend, so we went to one of Bobby's customer's house to pick up said rat. The animals she had. Oh. Emmm. Gee.

Case in point:

This is a Fennec Fox. My knees almost buckled at the sight of him. I was so overcome with the need to kiss his little face, it almost put me over the cuteness edge. HEAVEN.

Bengal kittens AND cats!! The kittens were just at that age where they meow at everything, but it comes out as "mew". Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The snuggles were off the chain. If only I had $700.00 - $1,200.00 for a cat. Not really...unless I saved like three from the shelter...THEN I would allow myself to have a designer cat. Maybe.

Oh yes! A harlequin Great Dane PUPPY!! Found out that they grow 5lbs a WEEK!

AND A Weimaraner PUPPY!!

I really could have stayed there all day! They also had two Chiwawa's that were ADORABLE and a pretty fish tank! It was a mini-farm just like ours, except with much cooler animals!
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