Friday, May 15, 2009

Happpppy FRIDAY!

Do any of you watch Grey's Anatomy?

If you do, can I just share an "OH. MY. GAH!" with you?! How the hell are you going to end a season like THAT?!? What am I supposed to think for the rest of the Summer?! It is some form of torture I tell you.

While Bobby was in the hospital he asked all the nurses if they watched Grey's Anatomy...all said no, one in particular said she like House, but that she didn't watch Grey's because it reminded her too much of what it was like there! REALLY? That much drama?!? After I found that out I started eavesdropping at the nurses station...I have no shame when it comes down to finding out who is dating who in the hospital scene.

All is well in the house of Jess. The Bobz kept down some turkey enchiladas last night. He is on four antibiotics though, so he has decided not to start drinking again until those are done. HOWEVER, I did try and tell him that is a myth...drinking alcohol does NOT lessen the effect of the medication.

No really! It is true! If you don't believe me, check here. And even one from the Mayo Clinic!

Ohhhh, this is fun! Let's talk about other myths:

1. If you shave your hair, it returns thicker and faster. The Bobz just recently said that he didn't want to wax the five hairs he has on his chest because he didn't want them to grow back thicker and/or more of them. The hair that we touch, see and style isn't alive. Living hair lies under the skin and scalp, so cutting it won't change the texture or speed that it grows. Besides, to say that it grows back thicker and faster and more of it is just crazy speak! We don't grow more hair follicles when we shave, cut or wax our hair.

2. The only visible man-made structure from space is the Great Wall of China. Ironically, the Great Wall isn't very easy to spot from a close orbit of 180 miles -- it's large enough, but its colors don't distinguish it from its natural surroundings. Furthermore, astronaut descriptions and photographs have shown that airports and highways can be seen from orbit as well.

3. Humans only use 10% their brains. In the 1800s, scientists debated the overall function of the brain. Out of these debates, William James later wrote about humans only using a small percentage of their brains and the 10% myth was born. Although simple tasks require specific brain areas, anything complicated requires far more than 10% of the brain; magnetic imaging has documented this and scientists are basically in agreement about brain functions. Unfortunately, many psychics still use the 10% myth to promote the idea that they are using more brain power than others.

4. Because of the Earth’s rotation, in the south of the equator, water drains the “wrong way round”. The Earth’s rotation isn’t strong enough to affect which way the water drains. A sink’s design may affect it though. Believe me, I looked when I was in Japan.

Well, that is all I have time for today. If you have anymore to add, feel free!
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