Monday, November 26, 2007

The 'stach

Often times in my life I have wanted to be a boy. Hang with me...this isn't a story about me wanting to change sex or anything.

For instance...when I was little I was mesmerized by the fact that boys could pee anywhere. Aw, who am I kidding...I am still mesmerized by the fact that boys can pee anywhere.

Side Note: Speaking of peeing anywhere...I have to tell you guys that Krystal had to pee so bad last night she jumped out of the car at a stop light and peed on the sidewalk. I was mortified. And also laughing hysterically and I envisioned us being for probably being over the limit, though I wasn't blurry eyed or anything, but that .08 thing just wasn't going to be...and Krystal for peeing in public.

Anyway, back to what I was writing about...boys, peeing and onto facial hair. I have always thought facial hair would be cool to have...if I wasn't a girl of course. I think I would change it often. I like changing the hair on top of my head often, so I can only assume that if I could grow hair on my face, I would change that often as well. My mother and I had a conversation the other day about what a handlebar mustache was.

I said it was this:

She said it was this:

When I search brings up both. Who knows.

This is bringing me closer to my point. Today, while searching Google for this here handlebar mustache picture, I came across this website.!!!

I have decided that this guy is my favorite!

This guy just looks like one of the ZZ Top dudes:

But this guy...this guy is just a ra-tard. A bridge? Who married this guy? Is he married **checking site*** It doesn't say. But I am going to venture by the fact that he has "flare" on his lovely red vest and a sheep in his pocket he is one of two things. Gay or a gay sheep lover.

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