Friday, May 22, 2009

Just Few Things...

First of all, something happened to all of my awards. They all just dissapeared for no damn good reason. Weird. Don't worry, I was thrifty and saved them all. Somewhere.

That now leads me to Kat, who gave me this award:

"These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers."

Fuckin-a! That's what's up! Wait. What the fuck is an aggrandizement? :::looking it up on Merriam-Webster::: Oh, ok. Cool. Yes, well, thank you very much for that! I will continue to try and be as non-aggrandizing as possible!! Love ya! Mean it!

SO, yesterday evening, Larkin went and got her some body art. I don't know when she will post about it...but you gotta check it out! So after we left the tattoo shop, we decided to go downtown. That kept me out till about 1:00am, then we got home and of course another beer was in order, so I ended up staying up till about 2:00am. At the stroke of 2:00am I decided it was indeed time to go to was going to be a bitch enough and now I was only going to get 6 hours of sleep.

So I leave Bobby's room and head to my bathroom. I never turn on the light this late at night because it just plain hurts my eyes. As I was getting rid of some beer, I noticed that Syber kitty was very interested in something on the ceiling of the bathroom. In the darkness, I very vaguely made out the shadow of THIS:


Back when Krystal and I lived a little farther downtown, we had problems with these spiders, but since we had moved a little more inland, I had hoped the problem would never come up again. Alas. By the way, I had incorrectly labeled them as wolf spiders, they are actually Huntsman spiders. I prefer to call them Getthefuckoutofmyhousenow spiders.

So I had the broom, Bobby had the beer mug. I knocked him off the ceiling, the spider jumped and tried to eat us and then Bobby trapped him under the mug. We then went in search of some paper to slide under the mug, that is when I discovered there IS a use for junk mail. Then we took him three houses down and released him in THOSE people's yard. I don't even know THOSE people, but I do know that I didn't want that spider anywhere close to me. Ohhhhh, gives me the heebie jeebies!
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