Monday, May 11, 2009

Beaches, Bitches and Pukeage

Let's see. This weekend I went to bed early on Friday, so I could be rested for a full day of drinking and fun at the beach. THAT was a major success. I got so tanked that I was in bed by 10:30 on Saturday.

I never left the bed on Sunday. This resulted in taking a nap mid-day which meant I was not tired when it was actually time to go to sleep. Lunesta is my friend.

Got some awesome footage at the beach of some people that were even drunker than myself. It was a group of people, all ranging from 21-30 years old, progressively getting more and more wasted as the day went on.

By the end of it, at least four girls were making out in a circle and another was dry humping a dude in a chair. I live for these moments of poor decision making!

Eventually they noticed I was filming (I don't know what took so long, I was hollerin the whole time i.e. "Ohhhhh yeah, get it girl! Ride that!") and waved...I waved back and continued to film.

So apparently the Bobz (Bobby) has food poisoning. He was been upchucking since about midnight last night. I hauled him down to the doctors office, filled out his paperwork and left him there to suffer wait for the doctor to see him. The doctor happens to be Joe's (the boss man) mother, so that is helpful. Whenever any of us fall ill we are able to make and appointment and be seen in a matter of hours. None of this waiting all day in the ER and none of this "we don't have an opening until tomorrow" crap.

I imagine once they get an IV going and get him some meds to quit the upchucking he will feel much better and then sleep the rest of the day. Poor guy.

I have had the food poisoning twice. It is HORRIBLE. Larkin (HI LARKIN!) informed me that the parasite that causes such can actually incubate itself in your intestines for up to two weeks, meaning that this sickness could be something he ate two weeks ago!

Anyway, I am OK with puke, it normally doesn't bother me. It did take us about 15 minutes to walk out the door due to having to stop every few steps for Bobby to get rid of his Gatorade and Pepto. I just see it as prep for having kids!

Hope everyone's week is going better than Bobby's!
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