Monday, October 6, 2008

What Am I Going To Forbid My Kids From Doing?

I don’t know how many of you have seen this before, but I am seeing it today for the first time. I was e-mailed these pics this morning:

I have heard of scarring before, but not to this extreme! WTF?!?

I am deeply concerned over what it is that I am going to be yelling at my kids for. I remember my Mom almost bitch slapping me for getting my belly button pierced. Good times. Then she saw my tattoo on my back a few years after that…which then led to her seeing the OTHER 4 tattoos I have. Poor Mom. I still haven’t told her about my tongue or nips, but I supposed at the age I am now, it isn’t important for her to know about EVERYTHING.

I can guarantee you that I will NEVER have this done. I can barely stand a paper cut, much less someone digging chunks of skin off my back.

The only thing I can say is that it does look pretty awesome there after it healed...HOWEVER, The Office Mate totally pointed out that it would have looked just as good if she had just gotten a red tattoo. Word.
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