Friday, May 1, 2009

Hot Damn! It's Friday!

It is Summer, which means my weekends are going to be very Summer event filled! This not only includes an INSANE amount of trips to the beach, but also things like what I am doing THIS weekend:

Going to Statesboro to see Dashboard Confessional, who's songs I know exactly ZERO of! Who cares?! A free concert is a free concert and I think everyone can agree that live music rocks everyone's socks and it doesn't matter WHO it is! I came to that realization once when I was at a music festival and stumbled upon the stage of Tony Bennett. It was horrifically wonderful!

Saturday is going to be a rest day. Perhaps we should wash some clothes. I had to dig through the sock stack to see if some underwear accidentally got put in there. Thankfully, I fold clothes whilst drinking cold ones. This means that my separating skills are lacking at times. Whateva! The good news is that I am wearing clean underwear! 

You know what I did while I was typing this? (I am very much a multi-tasker) I went and YouTubed those Dashboard Confessional dudes. Turns out I know the song Vindicated and quite like it! They are kinda screamy though, aren't they?! But that lead singer is a little hottie, so he is forgiven for screaming during the chorus.

So on Sunday it looks like it is going to be another beautiful beach day. IF NOT...they are having doggie day down at Forsyth Park and my friend Michelle's dog Pullo will be there. Pullo came and visited me at my house on Wednesday and I think he is soooo incredibly handsome. Just see for yourself:

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