This is Bobby & Krystal's square. Save the earth was the theme.
This is our friend Chaz's square.
This is our friend Christine's square
Her hands are still tinted blue.
Over 1,000 people come to this event
Krystal and Christine
Nicole (Lil Man Jeremy's Mom) and Krystal
Christine, Krystal and Lil Man Jeremy
Cool Art
Lil Man Jeremy and LJ (Christine's boyfriend)
SCADopoly...funny people those SCAD people
Christine, Me and Krystal
It is really hard not to just lay in the grass in Forsyth Park. It is so beautiful there.
Bobby and Me
Beach Time!!!
Krystal, LJ and Me putting together the new beach wagon
Christine and her nephew, Lil Man Jeremy
Krystal and Me being all pukey
Me and my Frances
Bobby and Frances
Bobby, Frances and Krystal
Andy (Bobby's cousin)
The Crew