Monday, April 6, 2009

The Weekend Review

In sum up:

Christine, myself, her sister and 3 month old baby boy (son of sister, nephew of Christine) made the 3 hour trek from Savannah, Georgia to Haddock, Georgia, dropped 3 month old and sister off at their mother's home.

Drove 45 minute to Byron, Georgia to MY parents home, got there at 12:30am, plopped into bed, awoke at 8:45am, drank coffee, ate breakfast, spoke with Mother about the dangers of smoking, left to see my grandmother.

On the way had a panic attack, checked heart rate and blood pressure when I got there to make sure I wasn't going to die for real. It was 142/88 and 104 was my heart rate. G-ma gave me a nitro, which lowered my blood pressure to a more normal, but not normal for me rate of 124/77. My heart rate resumed to a normalish 87 bpm after an hour. Thankfully, I didn't die.

Left G-ma's, went to Christine's Aunt's 60th birthday at Red Dumpster, met 102 of Christine's family members, remember two names only: Denise and John.
Left the restaurant, went to our friend Brenda's house, gave lots of love and kisses to her kids, then Brenda, Christine and I left and went to El Azteca, where they have beers as big as two of your heads, drank two of those, left, went and played pool, got back to Brenda's house at 1:00am.

Woke up at 9:00am, Christine and I drove 45 minutes to Wilkinson County, Georgia to meet up with her Dad at his church. And by church I mean renovated storage unit. They had 9 people in the congregation. And by congregation, I mean some of the most simple, redneck people you have ever seen in your life. Honest to goodness, there was a man missing an arm, his wife had shifty eyes, as in both went different directions at ALL times, I had no idea which one to look at. Two of the children in the congregation were retarded (Lord forgive me) and there was about 12 teeth among them, including the preacher.

The preacher had some sort of speech impediment. Think Nell, meets the Priest from The Princess Bride, meets Elmer Fudd.

Sing "Nothing But the Blood" implementing the above dialects. Here, I will give you some of the lyrics:

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Now, let's sing it together:

Wha can worsh away my sin?
Nufin but the bwoooood of Jay-sus;
Wha can make hoe again?
Nufin but the bwoooood of Jay-sus.

OH! Pweshus is da fwhoa
That make meh whhhiiiite as snoooow;
Nooooo utha fount I know,
Nufin but the bwoooood of Jay-sus.

I seriously almost lost it. How is one expected to keep a straight face in church under those conditions? ESPECIALLY after seeing The Princess Bride over 1,000 times.

Left church, drove BACK to Macon (45 minutes), went to a friend's baby shower, left, went to Warner Robins, Georgia to get a milkshake from Steak and Shake (we don't have one in Savannah and we miss it so) left and made our way to Savannah.

Got back to Savannah at about 6:30pm, got in bed, went to sleep about 9:00pm.

I am exhausted.

OH, just got back from the doctor and she prescribed me some Klonopin. Now I just gotta wait till payday so I can afford to fill it!

I am excited to no longer feel like this:

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