Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today, Larkin was buying me lunch for the umteenth hundredth time this month (thankfully the paycheck will hit the bank at midnight tonight!) and we decided on a delectable meal at Taco Bell. Taco Bell has got to be, BY FAR, the most excellent fast food restaurant ever created. We have discovered that, if ordering properly, we can feed three people for under $5.00. I would also like to give a shout out to the caramel apple empanada they have there. I am noming on it right now and its cinnamon apple buttery goodness is heavenly.

So anyboo, we were sitting there peacefully eating our 5 layer nachos (99 cents bitches!) when one of THOSE people sat behind us: the person with a voice that carries. It seems as though they are speaking unreasonably loud, but then you realize they just have THAT kind of voice. Not ONLY did she have that against her, she was a nay-sayer. I am pretty sure nothing good happened to her in the 10 minutes we were sitting there.

“Oh, great. Look at this. I mean, I know it is fast food and all…but GAH”

I am not even quite sure what she was so “gah” over, but apparently she didn’t like the way her food was presented to her.

Then she was complaining to her lunch date, a small framed, quite man, about how she called Tim and asked him if anything was going on and Tim apparently answered, “Going on with what?” To which she replied, “Going on with jobs TIM, gah!”

As you can see, this lovely gem of a woman loves the word “GAH” as I think she feels it expresses her upmost disappointment and stupidity of mankind not knowing exactly what she means and is feeling at all times.

It really got me thinking about how much I dislike being around people that never have anything good to say. There might be a chance that one of you (well, not YOU of course) is one of those people and you don’t even know it! I say you “don’t even know it” because if one knew that is how they come across, surely they would change, right? RIGHT.

So we all know at least ONE person like that.


“How are you doing today, Whoremonger?”

“Ohhhh, well my knee has been hurting non-stop and the insurance company is giving me a hard time with my bills and it is supposed to rain today and my head is KILLING me.”

There is one particular person in my place of business that I avoid asking the “How are you doing today” question at all cost.

In the three years I have worked here not ONCE has the response been a positive one. EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME. It is either “Oh my head, my leg, my bills, travel woes, doctor woes, work load woes, my hefalumpaticulitus is acting up again….”

I actually asked once, “So is ANYTHING good happening for ya?”

I think I just got a blank stare.

All of this is to say: Find something happy in your life and if you can't then start fixing it. We are here to enjoy ourselves.

Take THAT Taco Bell lady!
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