Monday, April 20, 2009

Mundane Monday

I soooo had something to blog about from this weekend, but now I have forgotten.

In the work world some changes have occured. Larkin has now been moved out of my office (sad) and is now working across the parking lot in what we have come to know as "The Princess Suite". There is nothing but women over there. So, now Larkin works for Bev and Angela (two stellar drinkers AND excellent attorneys).

I now have a new person in my office. Her name is Martha. She is on probation with me; I haven't quite figured her out. I think as long as she allows me to keep the lights off (we have three large windows and florescent office lighting is evil and of the devil) and doesn't play country music on her radio, we will probably get along just fine.

I miss my Larkin.
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