Monday, April 13, 2009

Drug Years

I was doing my morning news reading (thank you and one of the article headlines caught my eye: "Heroin cheaper than six-pack of beer"

That is amazingly crazy.

I have done numerous extra curricular street pharmaceuticals in my day, however, heroin has never been one of them. There is something about that drug that just scares the shit out of me. I have not done much research on it, but when I think of heroin, I think of people nodding off with needles in their arm. Perhaps I watch too much Intervention.

According to the article TEENAGERS are smoking it and snorting it. You know, they really should watch Pulp Fiction.

Anyway, it was just amazing to me that heroin is CHEAPER than beer and that TEENAGERS are finding all the rage. Whatever happened to sneaking out the window to swig some warm, cheap-ass vodka out in the woods?

I have personally never even seen heroin or been around anyone who used. The worst drug I have seen in my age group of people has been meth. That drug takes over people's lives SO FAST and with such veracity, I don't think they ever see it coming.

I used to work with a girl who had used in the past, but had been clean for years. She got hooked up with this looser of a guy and started using again. In four weeks, FOUR WEEKS, she was using multiple times a day, she had sores all over her legs and arms, (it was during the summer, mosquitoes were rampant and using meth prevents proper healing, therefore turning small bites into huge sores) she was insanely paranoid and on top of it all, she lost her job.

She was dropped off at my house one night by Looser Dude and I didn't realize how strung out she was. She seemed OK until Looser Dude stopped answering his phone and didn't come back and pick her up. The next door neighbor had one of those motion sensor lights on their front porch and she was CONVINCED that he was in that house turning the light on when she walked by. She actually went up and rang the doorbell! It was 4:00 in the morning! That is when I about had to drop kick her ass. Thankfully my neighbors were in their 70's and had considerable hearing loss.

I knew another guy who was hooked on anything he could get his hands on, including steroids. He bulked up so big one time that he couldn't reach to scratch the back of his neck. His biceps were THAT big. The next time I saw him, he had gone to the other extreme, laid off the steroids and started using alot of meth and coke. He had lost AT LEAST 100lbs.

I am so not sure where I was going with this post. I think it was just the shock that DRUGS are cheaper than BEER these days. It just doesn't seem right in the hierarchy. I was 18 before I tried any sort of drug and I started out with what most would consider the "normal" drug to start out with: weed. By the time I was introduced to heavier drugs I was old enough and of the right mind to say NO, THANK YOU.

It makes me sad to think that my friend's children, and one day my children, will have to deal with their friends doing things like heroin instead of what I would consider a little more typical: turning down a joint or sneaking into the liquor cabinet.
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