Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I haven't had a beer in 3 (THREE) whole days! Totally takes the joy out of drinking when you can't taste it. As a matter of fact, when you can't breathe through your nose it takes the joy out of many things. But mostly I miss the beer.

I have discovered the proper medicine dosage for me:

Afrin - 9:00am
Nasonex - 10:00am

Daytime NyQuil - 11:30am

Tylenol Cold and Sinus Night Time - 7:00pm
Afrin - 7:00pm

(Sleep ensues at approximately 8:02pm)

Second dose of Tylenol Cold and Sinus Night Time - 12:00am
Re-Afrin whichever nasal cavity has revolted and is plugged up - 12:00am

(Sleep ensues at approximately 12:05am)

I feel as though I *MAY* attempt to beer it up tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.

Also, peep Mama Dawg's blog today. I am beyond words at how much this touched me. (Hehe, I said touched me.)
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