Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekend Review!

Whew! It was an exciting weekend this weekend! Saturday was the Savannah Arts and Design Sidewalk Arts Festival, which is an amazing sight to behold! Over 700 sidewalk squares filled with some of the most fantastic art you have ever seen! I don't have any of my pictures, so if you wanna go and peep some of the art from this year, you are going to have to go to this lovely lady's photo place.

After a long day of drinking in the beautiful weather, we went to the house and re-filled the beer supply and headed back to beautiful Forysth Park for Movie in The Park. Finding Nemo was the flick for the evening. It was great!

After Finding Nemo we went to eat some Mexican food at our favorite spot, Carlito's.

After Carlito's we went to one of our favorite bars, Venus de Milo.

I had to get to bed at a reasonable hour, so we headed home about 12:00. Before entering our home we are greeted by the lovely sounds of our upstairs neighbors throwing a big ass shindig. I get tired of it about 1:00am and call the cops. In the past we have yelled up to them on their balcony to STFU, we have knocked on the door, we have rang the doorbell. We have done everything we can do and they usually ignore us or make fun of us (whiney voice: Please shut the music off...wwaaahhh). So I have just resorted to calling the po-po. I have the non-emergency number on my speed dial.

This is my thing. I spend a FORTUNE to live downtown, but we figured we live far enough from downtown that we shouldn't have to deal with college kids. However, we are. I don't pay to live in a dorm room. I never even wanted to live in a dorm room for this exact reason. When I want to sleep, I want to sleep.

Now, I know that we are the party types, but let it be known that when we throw a party, we start at 5:00pm and by the time we are good and drunk it is only a respectable 5-10 people that know not to scream to the top of their lungs or talk like we across the street from each other. And we have only had three partys. Not one every. fucking. weekend.

SO, the cops come, it gets very nice and quiet, and then the punks from upstairs, ALL FOUR OF THEM, storm down the backstairs to our back porch and ask to speak to me. I am in my PJ's having my night-night beer, slightly intoxicated. This is not a good time to get feisty with Jessica.

THEM: "Excuse me. Did you call the cops on us AGAIN?"

ME: "Um, no, not me, must have been the people across the street. They do have KIDS you know."

THEM: "Well, can you please talk to us first before you call the cops?"

ME: "I do have a question for you...did you put all those cigarette butts, trash and a full bottle of beer tipped over in our mailbox?"

THEM: "Yeah, but you did it to us first"

ME: "Hoooooooold up there little man. First of all, the inhabitants of this house are all almost 30 years old* do you HONESTLY think we have time to gather up cigarette butts and trash and put it in your mailbox?!? AND on top of that, you are coming down here yelling at me for not TALKING to you first before the cops are called, but your reaction for having trash in your mailbox is to put it in OURS cause you thought we did it, INSTEAD of talking to us about it?!"

THEM: "Oh, well sorry about that."
ME: "Yeah, and next time, don't waste a good beer like that! SHAMEFUL!"

Sorry indeed. I have been informed by our landlord that they are not being given the option to re-new. I haven't seen any moving trucks though...soooooo I am not sure when this is going down. They better be moving and somehow snuck their way back into the lease.

So, after I almost had to kick a skinny 20 year old upstairs neighbor's ass, I went to sleep to prepare for my day at the beach!

OHHH our FIRST BEACH DAY. I was soooooooo beautiful! AND! AND! AND! WAIT FOR IT!! WAIT FOOOOORR IT!!

I got my BEACH WAGON!!!

Look how BEAUTIFUL she is!

Holds 2 coolers, a trillion beach chairs, book bags, totes, beach balls, beach tent...you name it, we had it stacked and ready to go! I have waited two beach seasons for her and she is finally here.

Two more things to go:

A First-UP 10' x 10' Gazebo made by North Pole (very important all the preceding criteria be met...including who it is made by)

and some kind of heavy duty (hehe, I said duty) radio, preferably with an iPod adaptor hooker-upper-ma-bob

*by 30 I mean I am two years away from it and Bobby will be 31 in November. And Krystal doesn't count. She is only 24.
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