Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here I Go, Here I Go, Heeeerrreee I Go Again...

First of all, I gotta send some mad love to Bella who gave me this awesome opossum award:

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

As you can see from the rules above, I have to list 15 blogs! FIFTEEN!!!! Who made up this award? Someone needs to slap them in the throat.

FINE. I am going to do it, but I totally understand if you decide to just accept and not follow the rules. What do we say here at J e double s blogland? That’s right! RULES ARE FOR FOOLS!


1. Tina
2. Dawg
3. Pamela
4. Pseudonymous High School Teacher
5. LilliGirl
6. Tattooed Mini Van Mom
7. Kat
8. Mama Dawg
9. Butch Boo
10. Squirty
11. AW FUCK IT. I am totally out of people.
12. Everyone else I think I have already awarded a few times.
13. Others I just don’t think this award would look good with your page layout.
14. However, I do want to point out that my gay reader/readee numbers have really taken off.
15. I look forward to the gays running the world one day. We are pretty sneaky though. We start off in inconspicuous blog-land…

SOOOOOOOO, I FINALLY started my very own Twitter. As I told Mama Dawg, I was forced to by Ellen. I was watching her show and she was talking about Twitter and how she twitted that there were free show tickets at a bus stop and they set up cameras and well, it was just hilarious watching these people. PLUS, Collective Soul Twitters.

So I am following Demi Moore and she twitted about this video which is BEYOND hilarious!

Lastly, we were informed last night that our upstairs, drum playing, electric guitar wailing, techno at 3:00 in the morning neighbors are not going to be allowed to renew their lease. OH GLORIOUS DAY! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a married couple, in their mid to late 20’s/ early 30’s with a normal job that requires them to be asleep during the hours of 11:00pm-8:00am and enjoys the occasional cookout/kegger. Here is to hoping!

A Moment of Cuteness:

I know it is kinda dark. Stupid cell phone cameras. But that is Syber Kitty. He is our youngest kitten (belongs to Bobby) and he discovered the dryer last night. SO CUTE!
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