Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pollen Can Kiss My Snot

It is the time of year again when I hold my tissues close and my Afrin and Nasonex closer. This is also the time of year when I am constantly saying, "Where does all this snot come from?!"

I decided to find out.

Turns out our nose makes more than a pint of mucus a day, but goes into over drive whenever there are irritants in the air, such as pollen. This explains the amount of tissue I have been going through.

Tis the tree pollen and the mold spore activity that is kicking my ass. The weather channel dot com fails to tell me WHICH trees and WHAT mold spores.

I can guess that it is our beautiful Live Oaks:

and Dogwoods:

It is hard to haterate on Savannah in the Spring though...

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