Thursday, April 30, 2009

Put On Your Big Girl/Boy Pants, You Might Get Offended!

I was contemplating all of the weird things that religions have.

Catholics have nuns and priests.

Jews have various sects that dress and do things that I think are pretty strange. I actually had to go and read about the curls on the side of the head thing cause that has got to be the WORST hair style I have ever seen in MY LIFE. Sadly, they feel very strongly towards this, so I guess my urge to run by with a pair of scissors to do a lil snippy-do will have to not be.

The Muslims don’t wear shoes in their place of worship.

The Bahai’i faith has a whole month of fasting, but only when the sun is up. Incidentally, this month of fasting is done in the shortest month of the year.

There are just soooooo many RULES in so many religions and so many different sects between these religions and then even smaller sects in those sects.

My question has always been, WHY. Why do you do these things? Why do you believe this to be true?

Nuns and priests believe in giving their lives and committing it to their religion. I can’t even imagine. It just seems like a pointless existence to me. 

The sect of Jews that wears the curls believe that you can’t cut your hair due to some Biblical teaching from way back that forbids the shaving of the corners of the head. I didn’t even know our heads had corners.

As for the Muslims not wearing shoes in church…well, I never wore my shoes in church, but I always got in trouble for it. Needless to say, upon attending my first (and only) Muslim wedding I was ecstatic to take off my shoes! I did have a hard time finding them after the service though. Apparently, black is a very common shoe color.

This is all to come around and say that we sure do make up a lot of shit for our religious beliefs. I would love to have met the first person that decided all of these things should be this way. 

“Hey, you, grow curls down the side of your head because I read the other day from this ancient text something about not cutting your hair right there. DO IT! NOW! Or behold, ye shall be hell bound!”

I am thinking the no shoes thing was put in place by the first mosque janitor. He was all like, “DAMN these people got some nasty ass shit on their shoes. Fuck this!” Then he snuck in and re-wrote a little of the holy book; after all, this WAS before the time of the Oreck vacuum.

As for nuns and priests…well, you know what they say, “Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers”.

Ok, I am done offending for today.
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