Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday! Holla!

I didn't have much to post about today, but I did want to tell you some more about the people I work with.

Magan is a hookercheese. She is just awesome like that.

So, we are all some pretty awesome animal lovers around here and Magan was sending us pictures of her Mexican dog, Bobo.

You cannot tell me those didn't make you laugh!

So I get these in my e-mail and then the next e-mail that follows has the subject line: "This is so adorable!"

I open it and the file name is 1234.jpg - which I didn't notice.

SO, I open it and it is fucking Britney Spears' vagina picture - you know, the one from when she was getting out of the car with no underwear? Yeah, big, loud and proud all up in my eyeball was B Spears' vajayjay.

I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. The new office mate was a bit mortified I believe.

P.S. This is not the first time she has gotten me with that picture. She is very good about waiting a couple months to let me forget...damn gutterslut.
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