Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Treasure Hunt!

I have a story of TREASURE! ARRRRAHH!

So last weekend, Krystal and I were getting a little intoxicated talking to Justin, who lives about an hour away in Statesboro, and while taking part in gigantic $2.00 beers at his local Mexican restaurant, we started talking about some pretty interesting stuff and somehow got into a story that Justin's father had recently told him.

Justin's father was a "victim" of the Holocaust. I say "victim" because he WAS able to escape, however much of his family died and they lost much of what they had. Interestingly, I would not know Justin if his father's family had not decided on the proper train. There were two trains leaving, part of his family went on one train, the other part went on the other. Only one train actually made it to freedom.

SO, we got to talking about where his father is from and it turns out he is from a part of Germany that is actually NOT a part of Germany anymore, Slovenia maybe? Justin?

As it turns out that Justin is part of this “tribe” of people, German Swamp folks of some sort, who even have their own crest. They had to leave their homeland due to some guy...what was his name? Ah, yes, Hitler. So while this Hitler character was trying to go all Stewie on the world, Justin’s people had to leave their homes behind. The interesting part is that they believed they would be back, so it was common place that they take the belongings they couldn’t bring with them and bury them in the backyard.

Justin’s family apparently, in true Justin family tradition, went a different route. They decided to bury their things under the house via the bathroom floor. Justin’s father and his aunt remember that they completely tore apart the bathroom; dug a gigantic hole, a hole big enough to put a bathtub in, gathered their belongings and put them all in the tub. The tub was then topped with 2x4 pieces of wood and covered over. They completely re-did the bathroom, laid new floor and such, before they left. Unfortunately, because of how things played out in the war, they were never able to make it back to their homes.

NOW, because we live in an awesome world with magical things like Google Earth, Justin’s father was able to locate the house and confirmed that it is still standing.

I am totally ready to get some Discovery Channel Treasure Hunters over to the used to be German swamp lands and dig under these people’s house! Whatever country it is now, I figure they aren’t exactly a rich country, so I figure if we take Ty Pennington over there (bull horn and all) and about $5,000.00 and we totally convince these people that we need to demolish their bathroom.

I say that all photographs and personal property go to Justin and his family and anything worth anything should be donated to the Smithsonian!

So who is WITH ME?!?
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