Friday, July 24, 2009

Rewarding Friday

It is time to give out awards again...just one of those things that has to be done every now and then!

Rules...yes, once again, we will have none of those...but feel free to pass along to those that you feel!!!

I would first like to give this award to my Former Office Mate. This is in celebration of her recent comeback to blogging.

Secondly, to a new reader of mine, Sunshine over at Such is Life in the Tropics. Though I too only live only a hop skip and a jump from the beach, the Atlantic water is gross. But the people watching is just as fantastic.

The next award goes to Tina. Her and Jess (not me) are going through some changes these days (to say the least) and my heart goes out to them both!

One for the Styro for his in-depth thoughts about life and some game called hockey. Plus he is the husband of MAW and needs a congrats for FINALLY joining the blogging world! OH AND...he can totally kick your ass...he is a cage fighter for the UFC. Just kidding, he just does martial arts, but he can still punch you in the throat and make you cry.

And I also have personalized the "You Were Spotted In Savannah, Georgia" pictures for all of you peeps that are now part of the permanent wall art in Bay Street Blues, downtown Savannah, Georgia. Come know you want some of this fantastic wall art on your blog!

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