Monday, July 13, 2009

Great Work Nancy Drew!!

I was sitting outside of work the other day contemplating the things of life.

One very important thing I contemplated was squirrel poop. Why don't you ever see squirrel poop?

You would think being in the trees all the time you would see it on your car like you see bird poop, but amazingly, no.

This then brought on the revelation that perhaps squirrels only poop on the ground. THEN I thought, well, if that is the case, why don't people ever say, "FUCK, I just stepped in squirrel poop!"?

Turns out the squirrel turds are only about the size of raisins and are the color of the soil, so the fact of the matter is we just don't see them.

A great mystery in my life has officially been solved. Whew.

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