Friday, July 10, 2009

So You Think...

Do any of you watch "So You Think You Can Dance"? If not, this post is going to be beyond you, but I encourage you to go watch some online videos of Mary Murphy some time.

I blame Bobby. Bobby makes us watch these shows. Why you ask? Because he is the one with the DVR in his room, so when we all have a night together we end up in his room (which also has the beer fridge), pile up in the bed and start watching these shows. (without commercials! YAY!)

Anyway, so back to Mary Murphy. She is one of the judges on the panel and she pretty much drives me nuts. She affirms all of her statements i.e. "That was an AWESOME routine. YES. IT. WAS." She follows most of her sentences with statements that confirm her previous comment. We have started taking bets when she starts talking about how many time she will confirm herself before her turn is over. This last week she had two turns where she didn't do it ONCE. It was a dissapointing moment. BUT THEN, her next time to speak, she said it FOUR TIMES! So, basically, that made up for the last turn.

OK, you can continue on with your day now. I just wanted to express how I felt about Mary Murphy and her hot tamale self. YES. I. DID.
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