Monday, July 6, 2009

And Continue...

Hi!! HELLO! How are YOU?!

So after having two EKG's, massive amounts of blood work, a CT scan where they shot dye into my heart and lungs (and makes you feel like you peed yourself...thanks Miss Nurse Lady for FORGETTING to tell me that part...I was giggling uncontrollably!) and going through a complete physical, I think it is safe to say that "thing" that happened the other weekend was a panic attack. To help with such, the doctor has me on Celexa and Xanax.


I took the Celexa on Friday and it made me tired enough to FEEL like I wanted to go to sleep, so I decided it was best to take it at night.

I took it on Saturday night, but it was the 4th of July celebration and naturally I didn't get in until 3:45am, so I passed right on out.

LAST night I took it at about 8:00pm and thought I was going to have to go out and take a jog or something. SO RESTLESS. It was like I was alllllmost asleep and I would jump and be right back awake again. SO IRRITATING. So, I just took a Xanax and conked right out.

The issue is this: the Xanax is not meant to be taken for sleeping purposes, it is for emergency use only. I just don't know when the best time to take these meds would be...I don't want to be tired and restless through the day, but I CERTAINLY don't want to be tired and restless at night. I am NOT pleasant without sleep.

Found out this whole panic attack thing runs in the family and NO, I am NOT stressed out (I was asked this question AT LEAST 52 times) and I am not worried or bothered by anything (except repeat question asking) and I just want it gone!

And now that I am done with THAT update...

The day BEFORE the above great "episode" happened, we went out to celebrate one of the attorney's birthday. It was complete with karaoke and everything!

We also got a little carried away with the marker. If you didn't get a shout out, it isn't because you are not loved, it is because we were intoxicated and do you KNOW how hard it is to remember people that you kinda sorta know, but don't know really, but know enough to want to say hi, and then write their name on a wall? It is difficult.

So in no particular order...

For Dawg

Everyone I missed!

Thanks Larkin...

You are now part of Savannah no matter if you like it or not!

Deb I had one for you...but not sure where the picture is...and Mama Dawg, I took an extra special one for you, but also, can't find that picture. Gonna have to find everyone who had a camera that night and track them down for you!!

And to my Former Office Mate Deb, you get no shout out because you haven't blogged in so long. That is your punishment.

And to all, we say "Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!!"

Wow, look how white I am!! GO IRISH!
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