Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Farewell!

Actually, I just wanted the title to have two F's in it, not really a farewell to anything...damn it, now that I think about it, it should have said Friday Fuckers! Eh, ok, well anyway, I am not here the time you read this I SHOULD be out of bed and on my way to the mall. I have lots and lots to do today.

First of all, tonight is my high school reunion.

I need a new outfit. (I am taking Bobby shopping so he can dress me...something that I just don't give a shit about, the clothes that is, however, I recognize that I need to look nice for the reunion)

I need to get my make-up and hairs did. (Larkin is supposed to come by the house on her lunch break to slap that shit on and get the hairs all funktified.)

I also need to get the oil in the car changed, get some gas in the thing and get to Macon all before 6:00.

AND I need to go to the bank.

Not only does the above need to be done, Krystal is coming too, but she has to work in Charleston this morning, which is Northeast 2 1/2 hours away, then she has to come all the way back to Savannah so we can drive Northwest the 2 1/2 hours to Macon. She will need to be back by 3:00 at the LATEST.

I feel slightly stressed just thinking about it!

Be on the lookout for some great pics next week!
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