Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Properly Air Rock

SO, here in our fair city of Savannah we have what is called Beer Bust at Blaine's on Thursday night. This is problematic for me most Fridays.

After reviewing the pictures that Larkin took this past Thursday, it occurred to me that I should teach proper Air Rock technique. Perhaps you have heard of Air Guitar...? Yes, so, this encompasses all areas of rocking it out. Air style.

First you must start with a good guitar solo, which many of us are familiar with from our Van Halen days:

I know what you are thinking! What style! What grace! How drunk IS she?

The above demonstration is followed by a face that looks like it is saying, "Damn, this beer is rancid!", but really, it is just the face one makes when hitting a really high note: (or burping)

This note is followed by a dance step to the right:

The a dance move in the style of "Bitch, You Want Some?!"

Followed by belting out a fantastic note in the style of "Farting on the Pool Table"

This will then prepare you for your air drum solo:

Of GREAT importance is the knee bend-age. It is a MUST in Air Drum technique. It helps alleviate any discomfort your arms may feel because the shooting pains will gradually make their way to your knee caps if you stay in the position long enough.

At the end of your set, one is to show and exhausting display of rockin'ness by throwing up the horns, which naturally inspires others:

This lesson in Air Rock has been brought to you by Drunk Ass Jess and her courageous photographer, Larkin.

And last but not least, a shout out Punk Rock Dad, who will no doubt utilize the above lesson in his next rock out session...

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