Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Camera Phone At It's Finest

Krystal excitedly sent me a text w/ picture attachment insisting she had discovered squirrel poop. If you are unaware of the previous riveting conversation regarding this topic, please see here.

I have established that this is indeed NOT squirrel poop, however, Krystal was ready to bag it up and bring it home to prove that it was. I declined that offer.

In researching what exactly it might be I discovered that there is a VAST amount of websites dedicated to identifying animal feces. This is both interesting and disturbing.

Anypoop, for your viewing pleasure, mystery animal poop pictures for you. (Unless you are reading this Krystal, then it is most certainly squirrel poop)

AND I won another major award (as Former Office Mate likes to put it) from Marlboro. I ALMOST feel guilty for not smoking their cigs. Actually, no, I take it back. It was their cigs that I tried for the first time and continued to smoke until I discovered various other brands I liked (Benson and Hedges being among laughs, those are good cigs, but too expensive these days!) I now love my Camel No. 9's in the pink pack. But anyway, back to my major award:

Again, kinda like the coffee maker...not what I was going for, but free is free. This time I was shooting for the $40,000.00 in gold bars. No, really, that was the prize! First of all, I rarely drink beer that requires a bottle opener, though I wish I could afford it, cause I love Stella. Secondly, we don't have anywhere to mount that thing. Our walls are made out of special fall apart shitty sheetrock.

Looks like we are going to be having a special This Life Is Mine give-a-way soon! WAHOO!
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