Thursday, July 16, 2009

Technology Runs Us

On the last Friday of this month I will be attending my 10 year high school reunion! I would like to thank those of you that donated to the cause...I love you both! :) (If anyone else wants to donate...feel free to click that button over there to the right!)

Our attendance looks like it will be around 36, which is great since there were only like 50 of us that graduated in the first place. At least half of that number is significant others that are attending as well. It will be a small crowd, but one worth seeing after 10 years!

Getting this thing together has not been the most delightful experience of my life, but thanks to technology it was MUCH easier than what I would imagine class reunions of the past had to go through! Everything was done electronically...from getting in touch with folks right down to filling out the class survey! All monies were collected through Pay-Pal, which is a lovely operation.

On the animal home front, we will soon be obtaining one of these:

That's right! Your eyes deceive you not! That is cuteness covered in fur right there!

Specifically, we are going to be getting a Bengal kitten. Usually these designer cats run anywhere from $400.00 to $1,200.00, however, we shall be getting ours for the low, low price of free! They are only four weeks old right now, so we have to wait until they grow a bit more...but I am becoming a bit impatient!

Since the loss of Syber a few months ago, the house has been missing that kitten feel! Our youngest cat is 4 years old, the oldest are 10. Really looking forward to having a kitten running around chasing specks of dust soon!!
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