Thursday, July 23, 2009


I was just contemplating how interesting it is that people will display certain actions in front of certain people, but not in front of others.

Case in point: my Grandmother (from the Catholic side) just joined the Facebook craze. Thankfully she is an avid supporter of my drinking (being Catholic and all), however, I have never told her that I smoke, therefore I spent the better part of an hour deleting pictures from Facebook that displayed any shape or form of me smoking. NOW, if my OTHER Grandmother joined Facebook, I would have to go back through and delete every picture of me drinking (that Grandmother is from the Baptist side), therefore there probably wouldn't be any pictures at all on Facebook.

Then there is the smoking issue with my Mother. She knows I smoke, but I won't smoke in front of her. Except that one time she came to a club with me, but that was different.

There is a time and place for everything. It is truly what respect is really about. I doubt the church congregation would like to hear about my strip club escapades, (though I haven't been to church in a hot minute, maybe it has changed) but I guarantee that you guys would like to know!

Anyway, all of this came about from me thinking about the things you have to do in life sometimes. I don't see it as "playing the game" or "being someone I'm not", but very much about do what is correct in that moment.

I am sure each of you can think of instances where you had to sacrifice self want over properness.

Today's lesson was brought to you by the letter "F" for fuck, a word that should not be said while in the presence of the Pope.
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