Thursday, July 30, 2009


It has recently come to my attention that I am allergic to rats.

One would probably not know this in their lifetime if they did not live with someone who has rats as pets. Until this year I had never purposefully surrounded myself with the rodents, but have come to quite enjoy them!

This past weekend Bobby's hairless rat, Bayah, died of unknown causes.

We believe she had some kind of respiratory infection. She passed about 6:00 on Saturday afternoon. It was sad to see her go. She was totally adorable! I played with her the most out of all of the rats. The boy rats have very large balls.

This is creepy, so I don't handle them much.

A few months ago Bobby got Millie, a brown and white female rat, to keep Bayah company. (Rats, much like people, need companionship and do much better when they have contact with their same species)

Until recently, I had not handled Millie much, but in the last week I have taken her out to play, as she is VERY sweet, and have noticed that I break out in itchy welts!

I can only assume that I am allergic to her dander and since Bayah was hairless I never had a reaction before.

All of this is to say WHAT THE FUCK? Allergic to RATS? Who the hell is allergic to rats?!
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