Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Beach Days and Kittens

The beach day on Saturday was lovely!! As usual, we had some great people watching...

Guys (and sometimes girls) doing beer bong after beer bong:

Michelle and Erica were our hosts...and Michelle was awesome enough to grab a tent on her way down! It was a GREAT tent!

We took some time out to check out Michelle's hot ass, I encourage you to do the same!!

We also saw some not-so-hot ass

Kids, crack is STILL whack.

I also wore my bombtastic toe shoes

After the beach we went and ate at The Crab Shack. I was dripping in crab and butter by the time it was all over with. It was a beautiful massacre!

And now for some moments of cute cat action:

Syber Kitty sleeping in the laundry lid with Krystal's bag. A.Dor.Able.

Syber Kitty sleeping in the dryer...furring up all the clean clothes.

Kitter helping Krystal play X-Box

Boo Boo noticing I am taking pictures...

...and then posing for me

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