Friday, June 12, 2009

And I'm Back...

I took a the middle of the week to travel to the bottom of Florida

to take my friends Frances and Bobbie to Bonita Springs, Florida. Bonita Springs is about 8 1/2 hours from Savannah. Bobbie's ex-husband had a car that he has fixed up for her, since hers is on the shits, and she needed a ride to get down there. Frances was going to take her, but Frances' directional sense is a tad bit off and when I mean a tad, I mean if I had listened to either one of them on how to get down there we would be in Vegas right now. Plus, I like to drive anyway!

We arrived Tuesday night about 7:30 and promptly hit up the liquor store for our beer purchases. We visited with Bobbie and her ex (which by the way, they still consider themselves together, they talk everyday, but they are a MUCH better couple when they live 500 miles from each other) and I drank 1/2 of the 12 pack I bought. We then headed to our hotel room.

Me and Frances

So when Frances and I were a little tipsy we had a lil discussion about a picture we saw in the elevator. Here is the picture:

Now, what kind of animal is "driving" that truck? (Click if you need a larger view) Yes, exactly. But I will tell you what Frances INSISTED it was at the end of this post, so just keep that animal in mind.

The next day we went to the dog races. OMG. I LOVED IT!

Bobbie and Frances at the dog track

Here is a lil video of the dog race action!

I have never been to dog races before...nor have I really ever gambled! I won on my first bet! One $2 bet got me $8! Then I won my second bet! Put down $2 won $16!! I bet two more times, but spent less than $20 overall! It was a wonderful time!!

After the dog races, Frances and I decided to hit the road and travel up the coast to see what we could get into. Bobbie decided to stay for the rest of the week and visit with the grandkids and such.

The plan was to just stop wherever looked most awesome. This is what we found:

That is the view from our beach front room. Amazing! I love the gulf and it's white sands and beautiful blue water! Ohhhh I could have stayed there forever!

This was our hotel

We walked around Ft. Myers Beach and visited a few bars with live bands! Had a blast watching this one band called Down South Rockers. They were ALOT of fun to watch and were really quite a good band!

We came home and enjoyed some cold beers that Frances, so geniusly, put in the sink to cool. (Please note the bottle top opener attached to the sink. This hotel knows what's up!)

We woke up the next morning and had coffee and cigs on our porch and enjoyed the view

Like I said, the view was great...yes, please...

Then Frances and I headed out and made the trek back home! It was a lovely middle of the week vacation!

(So, Frances said the animal in the picture was a dog. Raise your hand if you agree that is a freakin RACOON! Sometimes I don't know what to do with that woman!)
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