Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Do You Mean It Isn't Friday?

Last night was again one of those moments where I mistook Wednesday night for Friday night. It just feels so good at the time...and then Thursday morning hits and you go...SHIT. WTF did I do to myself! And where the hell is my bacon, egg and cheese biscuit?!

So Bobby and I went on an adventure last night. We were SUPPOSED to just be seeing what was going on downtown...and we discovered that there was alot going on!

Not related to this story, during the day I have noticed an exponential increase in the early teenage girl theory is that they are looking for Miley. There have been Miley Cyrus spottings all over Savannah and of course down at Tybee where she is staying.

One of the attorney's here told me that his friend owns one of the restaurants down on Tybee and Miss Cyrus came in to eat. This establishment is mostly made up of the 25-50 age group, therefore no one recognized her when she came in. However, the owner knew who she was and made sure she had a nice eating experience. About 15 minutes after she left the owner had a sudden surge of people come to dine...apparently Miley Twittered her whereabouts, but did so after she had already left! I just think that is hilarious! You may not know much about Tybee, but the overall island speed limit is 35 mph and because of the size of the island, most people just bicycle everywhere. I had the greatest mental image of fifty 13 year old girls, decked out in Hannah Montana gear, peddling their little hearts out, racing across the island to meet her...OK, maybe that is just funny in my head.

Back to last Bobby and I make our first stop at Wild Wing Cafe, where we were joined by my friend Christine and her boyfriend LJ. We eat, we drink, we are merry. Bobby and I leave there and go to Club One. (Famous for its drag shows and Lady Chablis) On the way to Club One we are stopped by a group of tourist from Australia and England asking directions to Club One. We tell them we are going and they follow us. They are with a tour group of all European folk who have come to Savannah as part of their touring of the East Coast. Well, hot damn!! The accents were awesome!

They were having karaoke at Club One so Bobby and I decide to pull out some of our best shit. We did Creep by Radiohead, Shoop by Salt N Pepa and Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls.


We thought for sure they would enjoy those selections.

As we were leaving to find another watering hole, one of their own got up and started singing some Randy Travis. Randy-fucking-Travis. They went WILD! WHAT?!? They came from other lands to hear us sing Country karaoke?!? REALLY?!

I figured that perhaps that is what they relate Americans to - Country music. Much like I relate all British folk with fish and chips and all Australians to Crocodile Dundee.

I sure wish I knew that was what they were looking for...we could have totally belted out some Sold by John Michael has been noted for future reference!
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