Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Be Back After This...

Due to some minor health issues..and by minor, I mean I won't die from anything...at least not today, I am going to take a tiny, tiny break from blogging, but will be back in full force by next week!! YAY!

I was going to the beach this weekend and started not feeling so swell, so I pulled over and let Krystal drive, but by the time we had made it to the beach, I was pretty darn sure I was having a heart attack.

I went to the life guard station where they took my vitals - blood pressure was 184/110 and heart rate was in the 180's. They called an ambulance and took me back to the mainland where they let me know I had a panic attack.

I have an appointment on Thursday to correct this problem as I NEVER want THAT to happen again!

See you soon!!!! XOXO!
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