Tuesday, June 16, 2009

50,000 Visits, Come and Gone...

OH MAN! I am sooo mad at myself for not paying attention to this monumental event!!

I just passed 50,000 visits to my blog! And by just I mean I am already on 51,060.

I MEANT to totally honor visitor 50,000, but alas, I was asleep at the wheel, so I went back as far as I could and will now have to honor visitor 50,960.

Hi there visitor 50,960!! **SHOCKER** You were looking for a picture of Kate Gosselin's haircut! WEIRD. I see that you come from Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia! I am ECSTATIC to know that the summer is going so well for you...I am assuming you got the summer school bunch...don't worry, they aren't as bad as they seem. I was in summer school once, and I assure you, I did not want to be there any more than you did. Keep on keepin on with your teaching and good luck finding Kate's hair, though if you ask my opinion, these days it isn't looking so great. Check out what her hair looked like earlier LAST year.

In the past 12 months I have noticed a HUGE leap in hits on my blog...this happened in May of this year...wait, hold on, yes, that is EXACTLY when the Jon and Kate scandal came out! I went from 2,000 hits a month for Jon and Kate to almost 10,000 hits a month for Jon and Kate!! This month it has gone down to a much more reasonable 4,000 hits.
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