Friday, June 5, 2009

Day Two

I sure miss me a Syber Kitty. We were watching TV last night in Bobby's room and the only part of the house that we smoke in is his room because he has a door that opens to the back porch, so typically, when we are back there, we keep his bedroom door shut.

Syber had the habit of meowing at the door until we would let him in...then he would come in, look around for a second, go back to the door, stare at the door knob and meow at it until we let him back out. This would probably happen 10 times in an hour...Bobby often said he needed to put a cat door in.

Watching TV last night just wasn't the same. I kept expecting to hear that very familiar meow.

Shower time is different too. Syber LOVED water...not like jump in the pool water, but showers were his thang! He would get up on the side of the tub EVERY morning and pace the tub wall, sticking his head in occasionally to play with the drops of water. Every now and then, if you held the water back enough, he would get in the tub with you so he could chase the water that was draining.

The last two morning Kitter has taken over Syber's spot.

I think it is just another one of those things where animals "just know". BTW, that q-tip is on the ground because Kitter goes NUTS for a q-tip. I can barely clean my ears in the morning without her beating my leg half to death begging for one. Strange one that one. And please ignore the trashcan. Thanks.

After licking the shower curtain, while I brushed my teeth, Syber would usually come into my room while I got dressed. He would normally "knead bread dough" on the bed, purring away...and now Boo Boo and Kizzy have taken over his exact spot in the bed. Again, one of those things where I think they just know.

Either that or they are having an affair. They do look a little suspicious.
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