Monday, June 8, 2009

Another Weekend: Came and Went

That title could be dirty if you wanted it to be.

Sooooooooooo, we have Miley Cyrus and you don't! That's right! She is here. Right. NOW. In Savannah! I know this because 1) it was in the paper and 2) TWITTER. I have assured her, via Twitter, that the weather will indeed improve...and by improve, I mean it will be less cloudy and more muggy.

Spent Saturday helping my friend Christine clean up her new place and unpack some boxes.

Spent Sunday waking up earlier than I wanted, thanks to the upstairs neighbors having dance practice in the room above where I sleep. I honestly could kill them. I don't know how they do it. They are up all night, up early in the morning, ALWAYS loud and now their dog is starting to pee on our porch. Really, she is peeing on THEIR porch, but since it is directly above OUR porch it just trickles on down and now was have lovely yellow puddles of pee whenever we walk out back. I have yet to speak to them about this issue, but BELIEVE me it is on the LIST.

We also went to Tybee on Sunday (No, not to stalk Miley) to celebrate my Frances' birthday!! YAY for turning 62!! If she only knew where this blog was she would probably kill me for announcing her age...but I don't care because I think it is a WONDERFUL thing!!

This is the not ready picture:

This is the ready one:

We had beer and ice cream cake, which actually went together fabulously!

I also caught Boo Boo passed out drunk...AGAIN:

I am saddened to inform you that I will be absent from blogging for the rest of the week. I have volunteered to drive Frances and our other former co-worker/Frances' former sister in law (complicated isn't it?) to Bonita Springs, Florida tomorrow. I shall not return until Thursday.

I am excited for a few things:



3) DOG RACES! WHAT?! Oh yes, I get to see my very first dog races! I promise to not take a dog home, but I am going to want to.

4) Beer.

Bonita Springs is like 8 1/2 hours away though! I had no idea! I will be across the way from Miami!!

I have also been entering Marlboro's 100 days of Flavor contest and I don't even smoke Marlboro! Shhhhhhhhhhh, no telling! I got my heart set on the Blu Ray player and OF COURSE the Harley, but I will probably end up winning the fucking kayak.

OK, I think I have covered everything! Love ya! Mean it!
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