Thursday, June 4, 2009

Syber Memorial

You have two ways you can go through can go through as solitaire as possible, making as little friends as possible and living life without fear of loosing the friends you don't have, OR you can go through life and make as SO many friends, live it up and have great heartache when they are gone.

I relate the above to our animals. As you know, we have ALOT of animals. I have ALWAYS been an animal lover and was lucky enough to fall in love with another animals lover as well as find a roommate who loves animals too.

Last night I was preparing to go over to my friend Christine's new place, to help her clean before she moves in, when I heard a meow. This meow was not a normal meow, so I went to investigate. I found Syber Kitty pulling himself around by his front legs; his back legs were dragging behind him.

We immediately took him to the emergency vet where we discovered he had a heart arrhythmia and a blood clot had formed in his back leg area. There was nothing they could do, as the blood clots would keep forming and most likely within days, no longer than a week, one would hit his heart, lung or brain. So we had to let Syber go last night.

Here is to my little brave buddy who made it a little over a year. We miss you!!!

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