Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Lord Cumeth Soon!

Good afternoon my lil love blossoms!

It was an early morning for me and thank goodness for one reason...and really one reason only... Jehovah Witnesses. They came a knock'in, as they usually do, at around 10:00am. They come to deliver the good news:

We usually thank them and send them on their way.

This morning I was the lucky one to answer the door...a husband and wife teaming up for the good Jehovah, and through the cracked door (the kitty's escape sometimes) the lady saw our light ornaments:

And she states, "Ohhhh! Aren't those cute! Little fingers for your light switches!"

I didn't know what to say, so I said, "Yep, helps us find the light switch in the dark!"

Fingers. LMAO! I wasn't sure if I should be embarrassed or just die laughing on the spot. For the record, I think the husband saw what they really were as I caught a sideways glance at his wife as if to say..."Ummmm, huuuunnnny...uhhh, no..."

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