Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday Myth Busters!

1. It is cold and/or warm and/or raining and/or there is a chance in the weather and my arthritis is acting up.

It has not yet been proven that weather reliably affects arthritis. That said, it has not been disproved, either. Attempts to study the effects of weather are fraught with difficulty. There are many different types of arthritis and many different features of the weather that could act in combination to have an impact on joint symptoms. In fact, it’s not clear to me that a definitive study is even possible. (Source)

I can tell you from PERSONAL experience, my arthritis in my knee does NOT act up with weather changes. It DOES act up when I overuse my knee i.e. during St. Patrick’s Day when I am walking a million blocks and doing the porta potty squat all day. I HAVE noticed that when it is cold it hurts; however, I have ALSO discovered it is because I am all tensed up due to the cold outside and it is actually my muscles around my knee that hurt as opposed to the lack of cartilage between my knee bones.

2. Facebook/MySpace and all those other sites I am painfully addicted to are going to start charging.

Get a life fucktard. They aren’t going to start charging. (Source)

3. Watching TV in the dark will ruin your eyes.

A television is a cathrode ray tube with is in effect shooting light onto pixels. Therefore when you watch TV in the dark you are basically watching a light. Having an alternate light source in the room will make no difference whatsoever to your eyes, except if that light source is reflecting off the glass TV screen which would cause a glare. (Source)
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