Friday, September 4, 2009

New Orleans - Part III

I FINALLY got together with that whoreface, Larkin, and was able to obtain the pictures she took from New Orleans!

When we first arrived in New Orleans, Larkin wanted to take a picture of the occasion...except she was apparently more concerned about her and Bobby being in the picture than anyone else...


I know I mentioned in my other blog about this band, but again, I must say how AWESOME they were. It inspired Krystal to "learn" the washboard. I am really looking forward to hearing her practice. Not.

Apparently there is a bra's optional clause in New Orleans, because we saw more people that REALLY needed to be wearing a bra than normal. We expect such here when we go to the Waffle House or Wal-Mart, but these people were actually out and about, drinking and partying it up! So, this is a picture of me trying to act like I am posing for a picture so we could get a picture of this lady and her need for a bra...

DAMN! Missed!

Missed AGAIN!

Ah, sorta kinda got it!

I paid this man a dollar to take pictures with his big ass sign

We couldn't help but to be just a little juvenile about the advertisements for "Live Sex Shows"

And yes, we went in. And no, they didn't have any live sex going on...however, they DID want you to sit down immediately and order a drink. Classic bait and switch. Though I am sure later on in the night they probably do have some type of sexual activity on show...there WAS a bed on stage...but whatever.

The misspelled signs in this town were endless...and endlessly hilarious. The gentleman sitting under the sign did not want to be responsible for the misspelling of the sign.

Another hilarious "Smell MY deodorant" picture.

Speaking of live sex shows...

What is Larkin doing to that tiny horse?!?

Those horses were freakin adorable! I really would love to have one!

We saw mother effin BANANA TREES! I was flipping a script...and they were too high up to pick. I guess that is another reason we should get a monkey.

We got to the cemetery too late, so this is the way we got to view it...putting the camera over the wall and snapping photos.

Mama Dawg is the one that set us up on this trip with awesome hook ups on the accomodations and lots and lots of ideas on places to in thanks:

Some downtown New Orleans pictures

Larkin has an incessant need to look all cute in her shoes and shit...and what does that cause?!? Other than cuteness of course...BLISTERS!

Don't worry, I know a thing or six about blisters, I get them horribly everytime I have to break in a new pair of motorcycle boots. The key is Band-aid Advanced Healing Blister Cushions. Except I bought the CVS brand. Let me tell you...NOT as good. Just go with name brand on these things. Anyway, the CVS brand sufficed.

This is about the part that it starts getting a little hairy...

This is a complete stranger who walked up while Bobby was talking to this not very attractive drag queen and trying to push Bobby's head into her crotch. NOT. COOL.

But I still laughed! And we got some good pictures out of it too!

Bobby had glitter on his forehead for a week!

I believe that this is the display window of a hair shop. All of the Ken dolls are gay AND/OR are drag queens. All of them have their hairs did. HILARIOUS.

So we continued walking and we walked by this guy with a very oddly shaped hat on. I felt it was my civic or civil or whatever duty to tell him what I had just witnessed, so I very calmly said, "Excuse me sir, I just wanted to let you know that you have a VERY large Iguana on your head." And of course he thought that was funny, so he let us take pictures.

Then the pole dancing starts.

Do you notice anything weird about this picture?

Yeah, we didn't either, until we looked through these pictures yesterday and realized we got a picture of a fucking VAMPIRE on a BIKE!

A few more awesome acrobatics:

I think it needs to be noted that Bobby is doing this about 6-8 beers in. Pretty amazing!

So we get back to the hotel to change or something. I really don't know what the heck we were doing...wait, it just came to me...Bobby had to poop. The bathrooms in New Orleans are not conducive to public pooping. AND get the tickets for the strip club.

So I decide to lay it on down for a second.

That must be a sign for "hump Jess" because I was immediately humped by a Larkin.

Then Bobby decided that some wind was in order.

I decided that I need new pants...not only are the knees torn out, but I have giant holes in my crotch too. They are comfortable, OK?! I am getting new ones soon, promise!

And the Larkin got completely distracted from humping me by a fan.

Think this is getting to the end of the night...OH, think again! We still have like five more hours of drinking to do!!!!!!!

We take some "creative" shots on the way back

This is our bartender Shawn...he couldn't remember all of our names, so he just called us Savannah. We passed by his bar ALOT, going back and forth from here to there, and everytime we would pass by he would yell, "HEEEEEYYY SAVANNAHHHH!!!" out the door. It was a riot!

So a few hours pass...we go to Larry Flint's Hustler Club. They charged me $8.00 for ONE BEER, so we stayed for once dance and hit the road. We apparently forgot to take pictures for a while because the pictures suddenly go from the above to this:

Yes, I did. I just put a picture of myself peeing on my blog.

Strangely (HA!) I don't remember taking that picture...however, I DO remember doing this:

Yep, that was for Mama Dawg!

We also found keg heaven!

And that was pretty much the end of it...want to know what one looks like after drinking for 11 hours?

The next morning I took some picture of our room and our view from the balcony...beautiful!!!

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