Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sometimes Other People Have Good Ideas TOO!

**UPDATE** Check out this link too. Not supporting Blogger or Wordpress at the moment, but that issue should be resolved soon. When it is, I believe I will be going with this software for my blook. (Yes, BLOOK. Proper name for it)

I am so very impressed with technology and how far it has come along.

Somewhere in my comments section, on one of my posts, my dear friend Deb at Let Me Go On and On suggested writing a book about my life's adventures. Well, that is pretty much what I do here on this blog, so then I thought to myself, "Self, I wonder if there is a way to print your blog?" Which then got me googling the hell out of "print my [badass] blog" which then led me to this website.

Genius idea! There are a few reasons this won't work for me.

First of all, they only allow like 350 pictures (or something) to be imported. It seems that for the year 2008 ALONE I had over 600 pictures. Humm, go figure.

Secondly, when I did a test run (just using the month of December) all the pictures were out of place. I never do any kind of alignment with my pictures on this thing, so when I imported my blog, all the pictures were on the left and the text was on the right, which then didn't allow for corresponding of said pictures with said text.

However, I did jump online with the 'chat with someone live help IM' thingy and they confirmed that I would be unable to move the photos around without either A) adjusting the photos within my blog before importing the blog or B) uploading the pictures again through their site. I snicker at this thought. I don't think they understand that I will be 113 years old before I can get around to uploading all those photos.

All of that was to say that I think, with a few tweaks, this idea will make someone a shit ton of money! I for one would totally buy a book for each year I blogged. How much fun would it be to have THAT on your coffee table? (Sure wish we had a coffee table)

I looked around a tad bit to see if anyone else had these kinds of service, but I didn't find much.

If you guys know something I don't know about this kind of thing...feel free to inform me!

P.S. Today is one of the attorney's birthdays! You know what that means! BEEEEEER after work!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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