Tuesday, January 6, 2009

These 7 Things I Tell Ye...

7 things you never needed (or probably wanted) to know about me. Stolen from MamaDawg.

1. I have an abnormal fear of chewed gum and things that are underwater that aren’t supposed to be there. i.e. boats, cars. I even have pictures of me grossed out by chewed gum. See:

(These pics are from back in the day, yo!)

And for shits and giggles here is a picture of a sunken boat with just the mast sticking out.

Actually makes me a little anxious just looking at it. SO…MOVING ON.

2. I grew up without a TV for most of my life. My mother actually used the TV we did have as a planter…yes, she put all of her big, hangy downy plants on the TV and so even if we WANTED to watch TV we couldn’t because there were plant arms in the way. We also didn’t have cable. As a matter of fact, they STILL don’t have cable. If you can believe it, they still live in an area where cable lines have not been laid. Incidentally (ironically) they bought a 5 million sq inch plasma TV last year for Christmas. I have no idea why. They can’t even get reception with bunny ears on the damn thing, as it is in the basement. As a result of not having TV growing up, I learned to love reading and I played outside a lot. In my adult life I watch TV almost everyday. You better believe I have cable!

3. I get unbelievably tired of being grown up (already!), so when blogging I try and stick to irrelevant, juvenile, less serious subjects and usually only post pictures of drunken debauchery and write of irrelevant matters because the other stuff tires me. I am OK with giving the impression that I am a young, drunken, party loving, strip club going pimptress.

4. I was in a car accident when I was 15 wherein 3 people died. They weren’t from our vehicle. I am an avid promoter of seatbelt wearing because of this. One of the deaths was a 6 year old little boy. He was the first thing I saw when I exited our vehicle. I still wonder what kind of person he would have become if he had lived. He would be 18 now.

5. I had a kidney stone, partial knee reconstruction, colonoscopy, bought a house, paid off my car, travelled to Canada, Japan and much of the United States, went sky diving and made some of the best friends anyone could ask for, all before the age of 25. I consider myself fortunate. Except for that whole colonoscopy thing…that was like WHOA.

6. I have had my motorcycle license for 5 years now, despite the fact that my own father lost his leg in a motorcycle accident, I pursued riding. I still pray every time I get on and off of that beast.

7. I have always wanted to be in entertainment, but my logical side tells me that isn’t…well, logical. Or practical. So I find other smaller, more obtainable dreams to have and follow. It keeps me happy for now.
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