Thursday, January 29, 2009


This is going to be an informative blog…

I am usually amazed by something on a daily basis. It really isn’t that difficult to amaze me…but all the same…amazement has been had today.

I have recently become quite infatuated with Google Street View. I have probably even Google Street Viewed your house. Oh, yes, YOU. I know where you be stayin!

OK, well, probably not, but I have been roaming the streets in various cities in the United States, but today I stayed closer to home…actually, I was right outside of my home.

This is my home. The one on the left.

I don’t know that guy on the cell phone.

And don’t even try and get all creepy and try and look in my windows, cause these pictures were taken before I moved in, thank you very much.

So then I got to thinking about how the hell Google does this. Well, the internet, as usual, is just a wealth of knowledge and if you want to know like I wanted to know, well you are just about to get a cranium full of 411 on the subject! If you already know, please exit this page and go about your all knowing life.

So Google got a gaggle of Chevy Cobalts (yes, I KNOW gaggle is for geese, but it was just fun to say, OK!) and they mounted these Cobalts with bombdiggity 360 cameras.

I see on the Internet where some people are having a freakin bitch fit about their privacy or something really retarded like that, but I say what the fuck ever heifer, cause strangers drive by you and your house everyday. AND if I saw one of those cars rolling down the street you best be believing this chick would fling herself in front of the camera. In a heartbeat.

I also would like to know who they hired for this task. How do you get a job like this?! How much fun would THAT be to drive up and down streets all day? Well, probably not that fun, BUT being in a new place all the time would be fun! And I am sure they get to stay and visit for a hot minute! Besides, get this, you get a cool job title: GeoImmersive Data Producer. If that won’t get you laid, I just don’t know what will buddy-roe.

According to the company, these are the requirements. I decided to go ahead and answer them in preparation for my interview.

* Have an interest or knowledge in GIS or cartography

Oh yeah, I totally do. Of course I have no idea what GIS stands for and I can’t even fathom what the hell cartography is, but SURE, I am totally interested!

* The ability to use a map

Well, DUH. I use Google Maps all the damn time. Ohhhhhh, wait, you mean one of those PAPER ones. Yes, well, I do have a Rand McNally from 2005. That should still work.

* Willingness to travel for extended period of time

Let’s see, so when you say extended we are talking like three days max, right?

* Operate within the defined budget (i.e. lodging and meals) for two people

Define “budget” for me. I see you mention lodging and meals and I assume when you say “lodging” you mean at the Hilton and when you say “meals” you mean the kind that are five courses long.

* Must be a results and service oriented self-starter

Well, I get great results when I self-service. (Ohhhhhhh, yeah, I went there….)

* A resourceful and creative problem solver

I usually resourcefully and creatively call someone and ask them.

* Detail oriented, a strong sense of urgency and very organized

You people are really tough! And I would suggest using a different term than “strong sense of urgency”. It will only make people think of those enlarged prostate commercials where the poor guy is never in any of his friend’s pictures because he is always experiencing a “strong sense of urgency”.

* Proficiency in MS-Office applications (MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word)

Yes. I am a child of the 80’s and therefore grew up with Microsoft. We are like thiiisssss.

* Effective time management in order to meet deadlines

I can only drive so fast buddy!

* Lots of initiative and energy

I think that is why God created coffee…so we are good to go there!

* Willingness to be a team player

Team PLAYA! Sure, I am willing.

* Valid Drivers License

Why, yes I do. And I quite like the picture for once!
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