Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Sickness. It put me out for three days. Naturally of those three days, two of them were my weekend. I totally caught up on TV watching though! I hate being sick.

Also, my hair does cool things when I lay on it for two days.

That is indeed my sick face, with my sick eyes with my sick flannel on. That is how I roll when I am sick. Flannel me up Scotty!

See how I am not skurd to put up horribly terrible looking pictures of myself? I figure if these are shown then no matter what pictures I put up, I will always look better than THAT!

So I mentioned that Bobby had to put down Mattaoe.

That actually didn't go down until this morning. Bobby (and Mattaoe) pulled through the weekend and though he was jumping around last night (he got out and played with his brother and sister and adopted brothers and sister) and was perky this morning, his tumor on his belly had grown significantly larger in the last week. The options were to wait until the tumor completely cut off his urinary tract, or to go ahead and face the inevitable. It was decided, and rightly so, I think, that he be put to sleep before facing any pain, which would have probably come within the week. The doctor agreed. We will be burying him tonight.

I am going to get back to sneezing now.
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